
Fantasy Teapop

For 1 serving


  • 1.     1 Fantasia infusion sachet
  • 2.     ½ cup of fresh lemon juice
  • 3.     ½ cup of fresh orange juice
  • 4.     Stevia drops


  • 1.     Prepare the infusion according to the instructions, do it only with ½ cup of water so that it is more concentrated.
  • 2.     Mix the infusion, the juices and add the stevia drops to taste
  • 3.     Add the fruits of the infusion in each mold
  • 4.     Pour the mixture and take it to the freezer

Enjoy your Teapop with your favorite alcoholic or non-alcoholic bubble drink. You are really going to love it!

#alibulovers #healthyrecipes #Teapop #fantasy #madewithlove #retoalibú #healthyrecipe